The Gut Diva

Is your Gut temperamental and difficult to please?
Total DIVA status! Contact me and let's see if your gut needs rebalancing. 909-797-1277

Achieve True Wellness



Return your digestive system to a more natural, healthy state
Electro Lymphatic Therapy
Helps support a healthy immune system

Red Light Therapy

What is it ,and how does it help you ?

About Tara - The Gut Diva

Why The Gut Diva? 
To put is simply, the definition of Diva is temperamental or difficult to please. Once upon a time my gut was a Diva. Many of you, I'm sure, can relate. In fact if you're here, reading this, you most certainly can relate to having a 'Gut Diva' of your own. 
My journey with nutrition and wellness, more particularly that of the gut,  started with a health crisis of my own.  We all somehow come to the "healing professions" with a narrative of our own. What we are feeling inside is real, most real when it's chronic, right?!  We begin to google search our symptoms and we then self diagnose, go to the doctor with a firm belief that we know whats wrong with us.  But the doctors tests turn up "normal" and so the cycle continues. 
Here's my version of that....   
  A few years back I hit the proverbial "wall" my health condition was a mystery and my doctors could not figure out how to help me.  Looking back I always had gut issues which then lead to chronic depressive anxiety and many times my symptoms were dismissed by my  doctors. At one point I was told it was all in my head, how many of you hae heard that very dismissing statement?  My painful symptoms were overlooked and medicated for years. Eventually, I was labeled as a drug seeker and required to go to a pain management class, ugh!! My gut health was so out of balance it effected every aspect of my life. My physical & mental health was suffering, which in turn impacted my relationships.
Every time I'd go to the doctor they'd run their tests and every test came back normal. I found myself leaving the doctors appointments disappointed, disappointed that they didn't give me some bad news of a serious illness.  I was so desperate to get a definitive diagnosis so I could then find a solution to the chrionic illness and pain I lived in, day in and day out. But they didn't find anything abnormal.  More often then not I'd only walk away with a new prescription to fill. I felt awful all the time, it became my new normal.  
I started to wonder if this was what the rest of my life would be like. I was always tired, my quality of sleep was horrible, my weight fluctuated up an down, my hormones where totally off (I'd cry, or get mad about everything), and my digestion and elimination was a nightmare, impacting my daily activities.  I couldn't go anywhere if I did have a restroom near by.  I could go on, but I'll spare you the more intimate details of it all. Bottom line, my quality of life was suffering dramatically and I had exhausted all my healthcare avenues. I knew then, I had to do something about it because no one else was going to!
This is when I experienced what I called "situational-growth" I had a situation and I had to grow to solve it, and so I began my research. I started looking into alternative healthcare. I dug deep to discover the root cause of my health issues, not just the symptoms.  I began to listen to my body. I followed the bread crumb clues that my extensive knowledge in healthcare afforded me.  I soon learned that my symptoms mentioned above, where branches, who's roots where firmly established in my gut & liver health or lack thereof.  This journey took me along a path of understanding the why. 
It is my belief that understanding the why is so much more powerful and effective than the, “because I said so” approach of healthcare that I was so accustom to in the past. You's what I refer to as putting a lid on a boiling pot. Eventually the pot and its contents will boil over leaving an awful mess.  
If your anything like me, you want to know answers to 'the why,' why is your body having these symptoms. Until I knew 'the why,' making changes in my diet & lifestyle didn’t mean as much to me, and so it didn’t happen. Once I learned the physiological insult certain thought processes, behaviors, food choices and habits were having on my overall health, then and only then did I start to see changes in my health.
No more confusion about diets and dietary theory, putting aside or overlooking how a single food may effect each one of us differently, bio-individuality is key, no more one size fits all approach. No more  will I ignore the depression and anxiety that are norms in society without questioning the functionality of the "second-brain" the area below our belly button in our GUT. Furthermore, coming to the understanding the GUT BRAIN AXIS; that which is the close relationship between what we think and how we look and feel, it's all interconnected. And the terrain of our digestion and elimination is at the root of ALL health issues and demands to be addressed. No more unknowns and no more suffering. 
And so this is were it all begins, delving deeper into uncovering the underlying causes of your health woes.  Shifting your perception of your lifestyle habits, which includes what you put in and on your body, in relation to your health and health goals.  
My goal is to be your advocate and a resource to help you reach your health goals with more natural solutions.    Working along side your current healthcare provider(s), while helping you to learn how to more effectively communicate your health concerns with your healthcare team of professionals.     

I am a Mother

I am a wife of an amazing husband and a mom of 4 beautiful kids and a grandma of 2 sweeties!

Licensed Health Care Professional

Before becoming an Advocate for natural Health and Wellness, I worked as a hospice nurse and patient liaison for a total of 5 years. As a Licensed Vocational Nurse I assisting my patients and their families through the last phase of life.

Certified Colonic Hydrotherapist

I am an I-ACT Board Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. To obtain this classification, I-ACT (The International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists) requires you to complete 200+ hours of coursework (including anatomy and physiology), hands-on clinical experience and obtain a passing grade on a written test.  

I am also a certified LIBBE Device Operator. LIBBE is a well known manufacturer of Class II colonic devices. During a colonic session, I only use Class II FDA registered Colon Hydrotherapy devices to ensure my clients have the best experience possible. 

Functional-Nutrition Health Coach

As a Graduate of Functional Nutrition Lab-Full Body Systems course, (founded and taught by internationally recognized Functional Medicine Nutritionist Andrea Nakayama). I help individuals to unlock the key to "their" dysfunction, and discover foundational healing protocols using food and or supplements. Creating a solid infrastructure, welcoming bio-individuality and shifting the deficiency to sufficiency.  

Certified Electro Lymphatic Therapist

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system and a vital part of the immune system. It is responsible for collecting and moving toxins out of the body by activating the lymphatic system.  As a certified therapist I have completed coursework which includes anatomy of the lymphatic system, drainage of the lymph system and proper operation of the Inspiration device. This is a non-invasive pain free treatment to help stimulate the drainage of stagnant lymph fluid. Although it is not required to obtain results, many clients prefer coupling an ELT session with a colonic session, as they see a marked result from pairing these sessions together. The primary reason for this is that the lymph fluid drains directly into the gastrointestinal associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) for elimination.

Certified Essential Oils Practitioner

To better appreciate the value of essential oils, I teach individuals to recognize how essential oils are powerful promoters of physical, mental and emotional health. By providing one on one consultations and or group educational classes. We focus on 3 fundamental facts about the basic benefits of essential oils, 3 ways to use essential oils and what to look for when choosing an essential oil company.  


If you have any gut/digestive issues, chronic fatigue, inflammation, skin issues, etc. the list goes on.. GO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT!!! Tara is absolutely amazing. I work in the health/fitness industry as well and we share very similar beliefs when it comes to health and unfortunately know that the one thing that most people don’t realize or want to disregard the importance of is gut health and how it affects EVERYTHING! I finally booked an appointment with her about 8 months after I got Covid because it completely messed with my metabolism and sleep. I usually lose weight when I need to and maintain weight very easily and had very little sleep issues.. until about 1-2 months after getting Covid. Over the 8 months I had put on about 12lbs and was at my heaviest weight ever and that is also while being a personal trainer and doing all the things I know how to do to prevent that and NOTHING was working.
Went to her and did my very first Colonix session… lost 4lbs just in that session and over the course of probably 3-4 months I lost a total of 16lbs!! I changed nothing else besides that because I was already eating 85% clean and working out but just clearing out my colon and giving my system a fresh start was exactly what I needed to get my metabolism back on track on top of my sleep and energy levels improving! Well worth the visit and will be going back very soon for some routine maintenance :)  Thank you Tara!!

Angel Sprankles  


Everyone, please go see The Gut Diva, owned by the incredible Tara!!! I stumbled upon this gem while on a mission to detox my life from the inside out before embarking on my full-time travels overseas.

As someone who struggles with hormonal imbalances, unexplained weight gain, and severe acne, I knew I needed to address the root of the issue. After some Google research, I discovered that these symptoms could be linked to my gut health and the toxins that have accumulated over time. That's when I decided to take the plunge and try out colonics with The Gut Diva.

Let me tell you, it was the best decision I ever made. After just two sessions, I've already noticed significant improvements in my skin and have shed some pounds as well. Tara is incredibly knowledgeable and creates a calming atmosphere to discuss your bowel movements (yes, bowel movements can be relaxing!).

The Gut Diva offers a holistic approach to wellness that goes beyond just colonics. Tara offers personalized recommendations for supplements and dietary changes that can help you achieve optimal gut health. Whether you're dealing with digestive issues or skin problems, or just want to feel your best, The Gut Diva is the place to go.

So don't wait any longer, book your appointment with Tara and start your journey toward a healthier, happier you. Your gut will thank you!

Valerie Joseph

"About 4 years ago I was dealing with candida. I was experiencing 23 out of the 28 symptoms I found on a website. I tried to fix it on my own with diet and exercise which didn't happen because I felt so bloated and heavy that I couldn't do anything. Then I met Tara Lea November of 2019 in a Facebook group. We had a meeting and discussed the pieces I was missing and why things weren't working. I feel so much better and was able to lose 25+ lbs.! I highly recommend Tara if you suspect a gut issue."

Maretta Shaw

Prior to working with Tara I had felt "off" in various days for awhile but none of it seemed to be connected or be anything that a physician could give me any real guidance with. I had chronic hives every day for about 8 years that I couldn't pinpoint the cause of, fatigue and lack of energy, joint pain, mood swings, and regularly felt that I was "coming down with something" but never actually did. I was referred to Tara by a friend and almost immediately during our first consultation Tara suspected that I had a leaky gut and candida overgrowth, and we started taking steps to change my eating habits and incorporate various supplements to help. Within about three to four weeks I noticed that my joints didn't hurt the way they had been, even while hiking which was huge for me. I finally had energy to get through my day again, for the first time in years I could wake up in the morning not feeling like I had been hit by a truck, and I've been going days at a time without any hives forming on my skin. I'm so glad to be working with Tara! I've learned so much in the short time we've been working together and she really knows her stuff.

Asia Borry 

First of all I have to say that Tara is completely professional and extremely knowledgeable in her field. I have had several treatments with her and i always feel amazing when I leave.Red Light Therapy- I love this! I feel so relaxed and stress free when I am done. Also I sleep great that night. But the benefits last. I am sleeping better than I have in a long time since I started Red Light. Also stress levels are down.Electro Lymphatic Therapy- What can I say!! This is amazing!!! The cellulite on my thighs is almost completely disappeared. They look smooth and thinner.  I love love love this therapy!!

Vanessa Massaro 

I had a great experience! The red light was wonderful and I felt almost an instant relief with my back pain. I decided to do the closed colonic and so glad I did! I will definitely be referring my friends that also have tummy issues :) Thank you so much for helping me and my colon become friends again! :)

Aubree Gordon

"As a mother sometimes you get caught up in taking care of your family and not yourself, especially if you have a child who has major health concerns. So your kids come before you until your health catches up, and that is what happened to me. As a Hispanic woman who loves to cook, and eat lol, I ate food that wasn't necessarily healthy and this affected not only my gut health but other things I wasn't aware could be connected to it, like my liver. Then Tara came to my rescue. We had a BioEnergy Scan Consultation and she explained to me the areas in which my body was suffering and needed support. I followed her guidelines, she educated me, and I took care of myself first in order to help my family. Now not only are my family and I much more healthier but I learned the key tools I needed to maintain it that way, and I can still eat tacos and mole! I would like to say thank you to my friend Tara Lea and I would recommend anyone to get your BioEnergy Scan Consultation and give your body the much needed TLC."

Jemimah Zuñiga


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